Projects |
project |
Rehabilitation is a long and
painful process for young burn survivors, who often have to return to
hospital for a series of follow-up treatments. As a reward for their
and to comfort them, we hand out a soft toy to each child on
discharge from hospital and also on each subsequent
follow-up visit. The toy is accompanied by a message to the care
giver encouraging them to bring the child back for follow-up
We are grateful to our many anonymous donors for their gift of
a soft toy and to our corporate supporters for arranging
collections of toys on our behalf. You can support this programme
by donating your unused soft toys, by collecting soft toys on our
behalf, or by helping to clean and repair used soft toys. Please
contact us if you want to make a donation or get involved.
Recovery Kits
Imagine returning home to find that all your possessions have
been lost in a fire. This is a stark reality for thousands of
people in Cape Town every year. The Phoenix Fire Recovery Kit
provides all the essentials to assist those who have just lost
all their possessions in a fire. The Fire Recovery Kits come
in a sturdy 100 litre plastic container that is large enough to
double as a dry storage bin and can also be used as a baby bath.
The container is filled with a large number of basic household
items, toiletries, blankets, a small cooker, candles, and some
basic foodstuffs for two people for several days. Each Fire
Recovery Kit costs approximately R1800 (190 Euro).
You can support this project by sponsoring a Kit among your
office or school friends, or by contributing in kind. To find
out more click the "Contact" button above. To make a donation
click the "Support Us" button above.
Information for
parents of burn survivors
In the acute phase of treatment following a severe burn injury,
parents are often anxious and bewildered and do not assimilate
the information given to them by the medical staff. We provide
resources for parents in hospital explaining the nature of their child's
injury, the principles of treatment and the psychological and
other rehabilitation issues.
Our first booklet is currently being piloted in the Burns
Unit at Red Cross Children's Hospital. It will be available in
English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Portuguese and French versions are
planned to assist immigrants from elsewhere in Africa as well.
We also plan to produce a multi-lingual video to be shown to
parents in the Burns Unit waiting area.
You can support this programme by sponsoring a language
translation or a print run of one of these resources.
Rehabilitation and
reintegration of burn survivors
Burn survivors are often marginalised by society. Young burn
survivors are particularly vulnerable and become increasingly
withdrawn as they reach their teen years, often
dropping out of school. Ask yourself: "When last did I see a burn
survivor in a public place?"
At Phoenix, we believe that no burn survivor should stand alone.
We aim to support the reintegration of child burn survivors back into
society in a variety of ways, such as:
• supporting reintegration back
into school;
• encouraging peer-to-peer interactions through fun
activities, such as sports camps;
• encouraging burn survivors to "get out" by arranging
excursions to interesting places.
You can support this programme by sponsoring an outing or
camp, by donating in cash or in kind, or by volunteering your time and talents.
Please contact us for more information.
Advocacy on behalf of burn survivors
Phoenix strives to raise awareness of the challenges and
difficulties faced by burn survivors.
Severe burn inuries often render burn survivors effectively
unemployable and therefore unable to earn their own livelihoods.
Together with other
stakeholders, Phoenix is working towards the recognition of
severe burn injuries as a form of disability. Such recognition
would pave the way for certain burn survivors to become eligible
for disability grants.
Lobbying for regulatory changes to reduce risk of burn injury
and for access to social support
services for burn survivors requires accurate knowledge of the
variety, distribution and numbers of burn injuries.
In South Africa, there are no statistics collected on burn
injuries on a systematic basis. Together with our partners,
Phoenix is working on the collection of burn statistics.
You can support this programme by volunteering your time
and talents or by sponsoring the costs of data collection and
awareness and prevention training
Burn injuries are the second-most common cause of mortality in
South Africa for children under two years of age. The risk of
burn injury can be greatly reduced by following safe practices.
Phoenix offers training to community-based volunteers on:
• Safe use of electrical and paraffin appliances;
• How to minimise the risk of child burn injuries;
• What to do in the event that someone is burnt.
Through our partnership with the Paraffin Safety Association of
Southern Africa, we are also able to offer the PASASA course for
trainers, who can in turn offer such courses in their communities.
If you would like us to arrange a burn prevention workshop or a
training course for trainers in your community, please contact us
for further information. You can help us to offer this training
by sponsoring a training event. Please contact us for more
information in this regard.
Phoenix Forum
The Phoenix Forum provides an opportunity several times a year
for all stakeholders involved in the prevention of burn injuries
in children, and in the treatment and rehabilitation of child
burn survivors, to come together to discuss a holistic approach
to various issues of mutual interest. The Forum aims to provide
networking opportunities and to facilitate partnerships among
the various stake holders. Each Forum addresses a particular
topic or problem area of broad interest. Based on the
discussions at the Forum, a follow-up project is identified for
implementation by the Phoenix Burns Project and its partner
organisations. The presentations delivered at each Forum are
available here as a resource to the burns
community. If you would like to be placed on the mailing list
for future Forums, please contact us. If you would like to
sponsor a Forum event, please contact us.